STAT 1111

               Welcome to the Fall Semester of Statistics 1111.
Location:     Funger Hall Room 221
Time:         9:35 - 10:50 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday 
Office Hours: 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. in Funger Hall Room 221

The scores are reported on a 0-100 scale for comparison sake.
To find the semester score: .25(quizave)+.10(compave)+.30(midterm)+.35(final)

The letter grades are assigned according to the grading scale.

Please review the following table of quiz scores and report to me any discrepancies.

  • Tabulation of All Full Quiz Scores and Mid-term Examination
  • Tabulation of Scores and Semester Grades
  • . . Here are some lessons that students of previous classes of STAT51 learned.

    DRAW A PICTURE Attend lectures regularly Conscientiously, DO ALL of the HOMEWORK